“Children are NOT a distraction from more important work. They are THE MOST important work.”

- C.S. Lewis

The W6 Foundation is passionate about providing mind-expanding opportunities for the youth of Chicago. These opportunities are made possible by the efforts of the community at large. We are grateful to the partners and supporters we currently work with, and are eager to welcome new ideas and partners. We invite you to become involved as we grow and continue on our journey.



Your monetary donation enables us to continue to enrich and educate the youth of Chicago. This money assists with programming, meals, transportation, and much more. We are appreciative of any and all donations we receive.

Become a partner

The W6 Foundation highly values its partnerships with companies and organizations. Each organization we have worked with has helped us create a new avenue of experiences for the youth we work with. We are eager to work with you.

Suggest an idea or leave feedback

We are continuously looking for ways to more brilliantly color the lives of Chicago’s youth. Feel free to suggest an idea for programming, or leave feedback regarding what we can do to better fulfill our purpose.